Residential Construction Bookkeeping

We work with

What we do

Dispell uncertainty over profitability

We help contractors track, improve, and understand their profitability using cost-code based percentage of completion accounting practices

Jobtread and Buildertrend

Management directly in Jobtread and Buildertrend

Cost Code Reporting

Record expenses directly into Jobtread and Buildertrend using cost code level data

Percentage of Completion/Accrual Accounting

Ensure that your profitability is reported accurately using Percentage of Completion (POCM) and Accrual accounting methods.

AR/AP Assistance

Reduce your work load by letting us handle the AR/AP work.

Our Process

Initial Phone call

We start with a 30 minute meeting to discuss your situation and needs. We want to make sure that we're going to be a good fit for each other. If things look good, we can move forward to working together.


During the onboarding process, we will help set up cost codes in Buildertrend or Jobtread, ensure that things are importing and exporting correctly to your bookkeeping, and get your systems organized for success.

Monthly entry

During the month, we will handle routine data entry for bills, invoices, expenses, and payments. We will also help with AR and AP service.

End of Month

At the end of each month, we will handle all reconciliation work, prepare a job Work in Progress (WIP) report, and adjust the over/under billings for the month. We will then present a P&L statement from your bookkeeping software.